Welcome to House of Timothy
We are a comprehensive residential program for teen boys, starting as young as 13 years of age. There are many youth programs but few take account for some of the most troubling years in a young man's life while living in adversity. House of Timothy makes it possible for residents to work on their goals, complete their education, find or keep a job, and grow closer to Christ Jesus.

Admission Criteria
Appropriate applicants must be:
• Young men who are between the ages of 13 and 17.
• Young men who have become unruly in the home, school, and community.
• Young men who have legal charges or who are at risk of legal charges. While some form of court intervention is preferable it is not required.
• Young men who have chemical dependency issues, which involve alcohol and drugs but do not require detoxification.
• IQ above 85

Program Model
Spititual • Emotional • Mental • Social •
As a Christian regeneration program for young men between the ages of 13 and 17, House of Timothy desires to work with each young man entrusted to us by:
Encouraging them in their spiritual, emotional, mental, social and physical growth.
Providing opportunities for them to become assets rather than liabilities--givers rather than takers.
Instilling a profound yet enthusiastic work ethic to the glory of God.

Interested in learning more about House of Timothy? We're happy to answer any questions you may have via an email from our Contact Page or by phone at (407) 906-4769.
If you're interested in admission to the program, please review the admission page on this website. We are serious about recovery and only accept those who are committed to change and are ready to do the work required.
If you're interested in our mentorship program or in sponsoring House of Timothy, we are extremely grateful and appreciate any and all assistance you'd like to provide to help with this life threatening battle.
Watch Dr. Willie J. Montague on "Orlando Today"
We are home of hope & healing!